TThe birthstone of January is Garnet. Although it is most commonly red—garnet comes in many different shades, including orange, yellow, purple, and vibrant green. A curious fact: garnet is also the gemstone traditionally gifted for second anniversaries. Continue reading to discover more about this gem and how we use garnet in our handmade jewels here at DelBrenna.
GARNET History & Properties
Symbolizing trust and true friendship, garnets are known to instill creative thinking, self-confidence, mental clarity, and peace of mind. Garnet's deep fiery red hue embarks a spirit full of energy, passion, vitality, power, and joy. It has been said that garnet brings the wearer good health, wealth, and happiness.
The name garnet originates from the Latin word 'granatus,' which means "seed," inspired by the pomegranate's red seeds.
From as long ago as the Bronze Age, we have adorned ourselves with garnets. The pharaohs of ancient Egypt flaunted garnets in studded necklaces, and the nobility of Rome used garnet signet rings to stamp the wax that secured important documents. The clergy and nobility of the Middle Ages had a preference for red garnets.

delbrenna jewelry & garnets
Until recently, at DelBrenna, we used garnets solely for unique 18K designs, those one-of-a-kind custom pieces designed especially for the recipient. Garnets are indeed a wonderful gem to use in any custom design. If January is your birth month, or you love the intense red hues of this gemstone, contact our customer care: we would be thrilled to create a custom-design in garnet, just for you!
But, if you can't wait to own one and need it now, we have extended garnets into our ready-to-wear silver collections. Our Rose Window Pendant features navette-shaped garnets in its gorgeous design. The red shade gives elegance to the composition, which is always different!
And we have recently introduced garnet as the protagonist of our sophisticated Botticelli collection, which comes in different styles and finishes. Which one is your favorite?